Vladimir Meleshko
Vladimir Meleshko
Intermediate move
15.08.2012 19:14

Hello dear readers!

The topic of our lecture is intermediate move.

Probably each of us can remember an example from own games when we pass by a strong intermediate move in seemingly forcing line. We try to understand how such blunders occur and what can be done to avoid them.

Let's start with position which we met across during analysis of the game played by my student. White has an extra piece, but meanwhile his knight, bishop and rook are in shaky position. So I don't want to suggest you a lecture, better you try to cope with specially selected positions.


 training position

best idea for White




Shirov - Eljanov, 2010

best idea for White





 Can Black take on c3?




Karagiannis - Movsesian, 2002


Black to move


I won't give right solution as I am sure that after previous examples this one won't create any problem.

I hope you enjoyed the lecture and improved your chess skill.

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