Lviv State University of Physical Culture
Lviv State University of Physical Culture
Students in 1980+
13.11.2010 07:51
These pictures were made in 80-90ties. So please excuse us for poor quality. There were no digital cameras that time!
In 1985 Our Department of Institute has pretty exotic name: chess and weightlifting :) On the picture one can see that not all of them are chessplayers by their stature :)That's not a prison, but male dormitory on the prospect of Leninsky Komsomol! Here used to stay visiting chess players in Soviet periodMain building of the universityFavorite entertainment - blitz in dormitory.The page from famous Soviet chess magazine "64" from 1984 about Lviv State University of Physical CultureStudents in dormitory. One of them future grandmaster Andrei MaksimenkoYou can see in this photo grandmaster Borulya Ekaterina, grandmaster Vitaly Golod, FIDE master  Bashilin Roman and other studentsIn this picture I.Kan, international master  Biliy Vadim, woman grandmaster  Chelushkina Irina, grandmaster Kruppa Yuri, Lahno Aleksander (father famous grandmaster Lahno Kateryna)
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