Yuriy Kryvoruchko
Yuriy Kryvoruchko
Interview with Yuriy Kryvoruchko
30.07.2011 06:22

When did you learn chess and who taught you?

My father taught me to play chess at 5.

When did you begin playing chess tournaments and how did you do?

I began to play in different tournaments with my peers at 7.

When did you begin making legitimate progress in your game and how?

I think when I was 15-16. I spent some time learning different openings, typical plans in middlegame, etc.

Can you recall a specific turning point? (a game, event, working with a chess coach, etc..)

Maybe, when I started to train in strong group of Vladimir Grabinsky (fi grandcoach) on ICC.

What are your top book recommendations for beginner to intermediate players?

‘My system’ by Aron Nimzowitsch and ‘Zurich International Chess Tournament 1953′ by David Bronstein.

What are your top book recommendations for advanced players? (2200+)

Most of Mark Dvoretsky books (with the exception of Dvoretsky’s Analytical Manual, because this book has too many computer analysis) and My Great Predecessors (1-5) by Garry Kasparov.

How did you become a Grandmaster? (What tournaments, did you have a trainer, etc..)

I played in open tournaments and my chess coach was Vladimir Grabinsky. I also think Kasparov’s books helped me a lot.

What was your exact study regimen when you were working towards GM? (What exactly did you study, what study materials do you recommend, how much were you working with a trainer to prepare, etc..)

I solved puzzles (about 6-10 hours per week), and read different books (Kasparov, Dvoretsky, some books with chess games of WCHs). I didn’t spend a lot of time learning openings and endgames.

What is your study routine now? (how is it different?)

Now I spend about 50% of my chess time learning openings.

What is next in your chess career – what are your aspirations as a player/instructor/promoter/organizer, etc…

As a player- to reach 2670 by the end of 2011, and 2700 by 2012

Nature or Nurture: Do you think top chess players are born with a natural ability/gift or do they become so talented through hard work and the right environment?

Of course hard work and the right environment is much more important, but at the top level talent also plays some role.

How do you feel about cheating in chess? (specific deterrents/punishments?)

I think, it’s like doping in running. About punishment – probably 2 years of disqualification will be enough for first time.

Who is your favorite player and why?

Robert James Fischer. I like his style and pressure.


Original Interview with Yuriy Kryvoruchko http://www.onlinechesslessons.net/2011/10/07/yuriy-kryvoruchko-interview/

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