30.06.2010 22:44

At first I thought I'm going to translate the whole trilogy, but I will refrain from doing so - it would just take me too much time. Instead, I translated my comments of the games with two other foreign participants, as well as the short closing ceremony part. I hope some people will still find it interesting, despite the time passed.

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28.06.2010 22:03

It's rare when all the experiences during a trip are so pleasant that you cannot tell which one you enjoyed the most. However, this is exactly the case with my trip to Lviv - I enjoyed the chess and the non-chess part equally. I hope you will find my story detailed enough and yet interesting.

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Grandcoach friends : New images
27.06.2010 13:09
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19.06.2010 03:02

Communication via internet is like watching football on TV. It seems comfortable, but lacks emotions that you feel on stadium. That's why I am happy, that my friends come to meet without monitors, play chess and visit my adorable Lviv.

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17.06.2010 20:41

“Royal residence cup” takes place in period of 8-16 June. “A” and “B” tournaments take place. A tournament is IM round robin for 10 players with 4 countries represented (Sweden, France, Slovakia and Ukraine). “B” tournament is round robin for 10 players organized for local players.

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15.06.2010 23:10
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Martyn Kravtsiv : Gallery : Bhubaneshwar : New images
15.06.2010 16:04
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27.05.2010 00:31

In his 13 years Ilia Nyzhnyk already achieved the grandmaster's rating - 2544. He managed to score 7,5 out of 9 and achieved performance of 2741 in main "A" tournament in Groningen. So let me introduce you the prodigy from Vinnitsa.

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24.05.2010 13:46

Hi everybody! I just came back from the "Young World Starts" tournament in the town of Kirishi in Leningrad Region of Russia. I want to tell you about my impressions from a tournament and show some interesting fragments from my games.

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30.04.2010 10:45

Resistance of elite players is really high. It's really hard to force them to resign. Winning as Black over 2700+ player is harder task than notorious "pulling hippopotamus out of the marsh. The more pleasant is that Mikhailo Oleksienko got out of his eminent opponent's preparation swamp with honor. And after in the complicated play even managed to beat the participant of Linares 2010 Vugar Gashimov.

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27.04.2010 11:38
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16.04.2010 03:27

Review about 12th DUBAI OPEN CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP and its winners. The article also includes many photos, a lecture on "Modern way to play openings" and the impressions of the eyewitness.

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31.03.2010 12:00

Hello everybody! Just returned from France where played some games in Top-16 (main French League).

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25.03.2010 00:59

A few days ago I came back from European chess championship. And now I decided to write something about this event. Here you can find a few fragments of my games, photos and my personal impressions!

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15.03.2010 14:00

In modern chess importance of calculating variations grew up. Since general strategical concepts need support by concrete arguments. In the following game Martyn's calculation was deeper and more precise, so his plan of counter attack on queenside prove to be more efficient than opponent's central strategy. For counterattack lovers specially!

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13.03.2010 18:14

Recently Yaroslav won a prestigious international French open Cappelle-la-Grande with excellent result 7.5 points of 9.

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09.03.2010 16:19
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09.03.2010 00:37

Today I got one of the strongest impressions in my life. I am eager to share with you! You all have heard about the highest building in the world Burj Khalifa (initial name Burj Dubai changed in honor of Abu-Dhabi Sheikh who helped Dubai to cope with crisis). But you might have not yet hear about one of the highest fountains in the world placed in front of it. Water can shoot up to 150 meter (about 50 storied building). Every 20 minutes in evenings there start new musical show with fountains dancing. This wonder is impossible to describe with words. I was breathless observing the performance in 30 meters and want to share with you this chance. (video)

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04.03.2010 22:22

The encounter with Anton Kovalyov became best game of Yaroslav Zherebukh on his victorious Cappelle la Grande. Originally played opening, energetic middlegame, full of tactics, but it didn’t last to endgame. Although one can’t reproach Yaroslav for this Smile.

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01.03.2010 15:23

Any player who strives to make progress will enjoy this game a lot. Looking through Andrei Vovk victory at recent tournament in Cappelle will teach many instructive ideas in one of popular pawn structures. This knowledge came as surprise to Polish grandmaster. So Andrei presented perfect manual of planning in Sicilian against pawns d6, e6, f6, f7. Go ahead and study!

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01.03.2010 13:46

Men often do not accept woman chess seriously. One can cure such snobbism by checking his own games with computer analysis. The more effective prove demonstrated Vita Chulivska by beating grandmaster in 27 moves. Here it is – true woman chess. No male can resist!

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23.02.2010 22:11

Summary article about performance of Zherebukh (on the photo), Kryvoruchko, Kravtsiv, Andrei and Yuri Vovk, Oleksienko, Grekh and Chulivska at one of most popular open - tournaments in Cappelle la Grande (France).

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13.02.2010 23:48

The first in our career mass trip of Lviv group abroad , was participation in tournament Cappelle la Grande in France. Having agreed it with organizers, I persuaded parents to support this trip. In 2005 with orange scarfs (exactly after Orange revolution in Ukraine) we triumphantly went to conquest the Europe!

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12.02.2010 11:43

Mikhailo Oleksienko never plays boring chess. And in this case, the opening also provoked him - Benoni defence. As a result there appeared this nice game. I also want to draw your attention at the final combination. Even the strongest computer cannot spot it. This is amazing, since calculation of variations is undoubted basic strength of our silicon friends. So we may be happy that a strong grandmaster can not only overplay computer but also overcalculate it!

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